1) Title sales depend on customer demand. If you publish a book nobody is interested in reading, it's a really hard sale.
2) Titles sales depend on marketing. If you publish a book that a tiny percentage of the population wants to read, but you have a way to reach a large proportion of them, you can sell a lot of books.
3) Title sales depend on availability. If you have a great book and great marketing but can't deliver through a sales channel your customers are willing to use, you're losing a lot of potential sales.
4) Title sales depend on the book meeting the customers expectations. If the book doesn't meet their expectations, it will get no word-of-mouth or reviews.
The image below shows the Ingram Distribution demand and sales for my second POD title (published in 2003), which I just replaced with a new edition. It shows just over five years of distribution sales for the book. It does not include my direct sales, ebook sales, overseas sales or school sales (unless they ordered through Ingram). It is also atypical for a large trade book, but the expected result for a niche title.
The first thing you'll notice is no initial demand! I did no advertising or promotions for this book and only launched the web version a few months before publishing the POD book. Consequently, the first full month it was available (July 2003), I sold all of 13 copies through Ingram distribution (sold more than that by direct mail order). If I was an acquisitions editor at a large trade publisher, I would have lost my job. The first five months the title was available it averaged well under a sale a day through Ingram, until the Christmas rush jumped it up to 86 copies in a month.
In 2004, the sales rate more than doubled as the website gained traffic and the book gained word-of-mouth and useful Also Bought and Better Together relations on Amazon. Sales through Ingram would have been over 1,000 for the year except there was a distribution snafu for Lightning Source books in September and October of that year, as you can guess from the sudden drop in what would normally be the beginning of the high season.
In 2005, the third year of the title's life, the sales rate through Ingram was more than triple the rate of the first year, and this despite the fact that 2005 was the record year for ebook sales of the title. I believe March 2005 was also the first time the Barnes&Noble warehouse laid in a stock of books from Ingram, but I didn't keep careful enough records to work it backwards.
In 2006, sales through distribution dropped a little, and I don't remember if it was due to the book losing many Also Bought and Better Together relations on Amazon due to a software problem on their platform, or new competition, of which there was always plenty. Amazon dropped Lightning Source ebooks halfway through 2006, effectively putting me out of the ebook business for the next two years, but the paper book received no sales bump from this, which leads me to believe that ebook and paperback book buyers on Amazon have limited overlap. I think this agrees with Amazon recent Kindle statements suggesting that Kindle owners buy more paper books.
So the title peaked in 2005, and drops off into remainder sales and obscurity, right? Not with POD. Even today, copies rarely come up for sale used, and never last long. The sales bounced back and 2007 may have been its best stocking year at Barnes&Noble, with the book appearing on the shelves at about one in four superstores that I checked. Sales for 2007 through Ingram set a record for the title, running at quadruple the sales rate of the first year.
In 2008, returns started coming in for the book, eventually reaching nearly 10% of sales. I believe the main source was from store shelves where the 2003 copyright date was becoming a turn-off for buyers and bookstore purchasing software alike. A couple of college instructors who use the book for a course text were also asking when a new edition would be available, so I finally published a new edition last month. As soon as the start of the school year has safely passed, I'll take the original edition out-of-print, so you can take the data above as the complete life cycle of the title through distribution. The 2008 year was on track to do around the same as 2006, and only time will tell if releasing new edition was premature and a long term mistake.
The title in question was a $14.95 book of diagnostic flowcharts, on which Foner Books netted approximately half the cover price on Ingram sales. I didn't add up the sales numbers above, but it looks to be a little over 6,000 copies, or about $45,000 in net through the Ingram channel. Over a quarter of those sales were generated directly through the Amazon Associates links on the Foner Books website. How many of the sales were generated indirectly through those links is unknown, but my guess is you could at least double the number, attributing over half of the Ingram sales to customers who ordered through a bookstore, or bought through Amazon after the Associates link lost track. Over the years, the website sent over 18,000 book shoppers to Amazon to look at the book. And since I never approached Barnes&Noble to stock the book, I believe that the two or three years they did stock it were thanks to walk in demand generated by the website.
A few concluding notes about the title to help you make comparisons. First, computer hardware books are a niche subject, and not a popular one. Over the five year life cycle give above, they became even less popular, so my title was really gaining market share in a shrinking market. I would estimate that between 2003 and 2008, my POD title was the #2 computer hardware book sold by Amazon, yet it didn't even average in the top 10,000 books for the last couple years. A few examples of other niche genres that sell as many or more books than computer hardware would be: root cellaring (far more:-), concrete garden ornaments (around the same), how to read books (far more), beer (around the same). In two of the examples given, the lead book averages in the top 1,000 on Amazon and was published more than fifteen years ago!
Back in 2004 I did a one year case study including a detailed month-by-month sales account of the first POD title I published, including direct mail order sales and UK distribution. That case study is also included in my title about POD publishing.
What's the best way to check if a title is being stocked by the chains? Just walk into a few and see?
I find it interesting that the chain stores stocked your book even with your (I am assuming) 20% short discount.
I wonder if there's a way to breakdown the ingram numbers to show how many were from bookstore sales, how many amazon, etc.
My book, printed offset and sold to ingram through BCH distribution, averages around 20 copies per week sold to Ingram. I always wonder where they are ending up - bookstore shelves, special orders, etc. In this particular case, they may be appearing on amazon but not "sold by" amazon - since I am using amazon advantage for that purpose. So, all the sales are going to other channels. I wonder where.
I wonder if the book is stocked at any chain stores, but I have no idea how to find out, especially since the stores most likely to carry it are on the east coast (geography-specific niche) and I live on the West coast so would be hard to walk in and check shelves.
I sell about 70-100 copies of this title to Amazon via Amazon Advantage.
Good article; thanks. One question: Perhaps I'm missing something, but what exactly is :demand" and how does it differ from sales? The demand figures are consistenly higher than the sales figures for each year - wouldn't this imply a limited supply?
Best way to check chain title stocking is their websites. Both BN.com and Borders.com allow you to check stores near a given zip code for stock of a particular title, the one whose product page you do the search from. If you edit the URL a little, you can check check 50 or 100 stores at a time on BN.com.
The discount on that book was 25%, I have no idea what B&N actually paid for it. What is more key than discount for store stocking is that the book was returnable.
Lightning may breakdown Amazon sales for some publishers on request, though it won't be perfect. I never asked.
A chunk of the books you supply to Ingram are probably sold through Amazon even thoughyou are using Advantage. Amazon uses Ingram for drop shipping when it makes sense for them, which might include combined orders where Amazon doesn't have all the books in stock but Ingram does.
You'll have to paste this URL back together, here the Barnes&Noble results for your Encyclopedia for 50+ stores in my area:
Changing the "distance" in the URL from the default "2" to "3" bumps up the number.
Demand is supposed to relect the number of hard queries the distributor gets for the book. In reality, I always found it to be a moving target and just ignored it. I believe that Ingram change the way they counted demand with various software upgrades, so a bookstore query using one software interface wouldn't generate the same demand result as another.
For the last couple years, Ingram has always shown virtual stock for Lightning Source books. For the title in question, they always had real stock on heand as well, usually 50 or more copies.
I can think of a number of legitimate ways higher demand numbers than sales may be generated despit good availability, such as specific queries to other warehouses, or vacillation on the part of a customer or ordering system (I can get it here, or I can get it here). But as it's unkowable, I don't let it worry me:-)
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